Old dogs can learn new tricks

When Stephan Wiltshire came to Singapore in July 2014, I took the opportunity to go down to watch him draw at Paragon. I have watched him in  a documentary before on TV. He could draw from memory after an hour up in the air on a helicopter. It was just amazing seeing him draw.

Stephan Wiltshire in action at Paragon
drawing Singapore
Art is probably the only subject I am able to fail in secondary school. Drawing is something I never thought of ever being able to do. I have asked my athletes who showed interest in drawing to come up with logos or T-shirt designs but most do not have the time to get something significant out. I have ruled myself out in designing or drawing.

There are not many sculptures which depicts sports in action and I thought maybe I should give it a try.  When I picked up books from the library on sculptures, the books' advice is to do lots of drawing first before trying out working on sculptures. So back to square one.

I went to the library and found this book "Drawing on the right side of the brain" by Betty Edwards. Four editions over more than 30 years, this must be a good book to warrant so many editions and the current edition was done in 2012. It not only teaches the basics of drawing but also the mechanics of how the brain works (my favorite topic). Its mode of teaching is to teach one to engage the right side of the brain. The book works on 5 basic component of drawing skills. the are
The perception of :
1. edges
2. spaces
3. relationships
4. lights and shadows
5. gestalt
So after a week, I am quite amazed of what I have achieved by just reading a book. I wont be making a living from drawing but at least I know I can do decent drawing with another 10,000 hours of drawing :)
Starting out. Trying to draw from a photo.

The same drawing redrawn
after finishing the book.

Drawing of a woman.
Copying an existing drawing.
Drawing of a man.
Copying an existing drawing.

Do not give up if you are not able to learn the first time. If an old dog like me at 51 years of age can still learn to draw, so can you. Just get the right knowledge and with some patience, the sky is the limit. Wishing everyone a great year of the goat. Up Next, Sculpture.


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